
                           2010 Annual Academic Conference of Department of Physics Held 

2010 Annual Academic Conference of Department of Physics was held in the lecture hall of the Chenruiqiu Building on June 5, attended by SJTU President, Academician Zhang Jie, Academician Lei Xiaolin, Academician Li Jiaming, “Cheung Kong Scholars”, “Outstanding Youth” winners, and over 500 teachers and students.


The conference, which is regarded a grand occasion for all the SJTU students and teachers of the Department of Physics, exhibited some world-class scientific research findings, including the ultrafast electron diffraction system, invented by the research group led by Zhang Jie, which has so far the best imaging quality in the world; the critical current density of the YBCOsuperconductive layer of as high as 4×106 A/cm2, achieved by the group led by Prof. Li Yijie, and the research findings of the eye-catching experiment of dark matter underground by the group led by Prof. Ji Xiangdong and Dr. Ni Kaixuan.


President Zhang Jie delivered the opening address and an academic report. He said that some people regarded scientific research as a way to make a living, some as a stepping stone, and some a pleasure; but he adored Einstein’s interpretation most which regards scientific research as a belief and an aim worthy of lifelong pursuit. He looked on the conference as the feast indifferent to fame and wealth and pursuing academic spirit and belief, exhibiting Einstein’s interpretation of scientific research. As “physics people”, he made an excellent report on the “Exploration of Physical Rules under Extreme Conditions”, which he made easier to understand with the analogy of the extremely strong pressure exerted by 10 aircraft carriers on a thumb.


The conference chose through appraisal and gave commendation to 12 excellent reports made by graduate students. The annual conference of Department of Physics introduced the scientific achievements made by the whole department and helped enhance academic exchange and cooperation, and elevate the scientific research level of Department of Physics and the quality of student education.