
President Zhang Jie Attended Global Summit of University Presidents 2011

From April 23~24, on behalf of SJTU, President Zhang Jie attended "Global Summit of University Presidents 2011"& Centennial Celebration Ceremony of Tsinghua University, held in Beijing. Over 130 well-known universities worldwide participated in the summit.



 President Zhang Jie presenteda gift to THU President Gu Binglin. The gift, a traditional Chinese painting by SJTU Professor Zhan Renzuo, was specially painted for the Centennial Celebration Ceremony of Tsinghua University. At noon, "Centennial Garden"- tree planting activity for university presidents, was held at Tsinghua Garden. President Gu and President Zhang planted a Sparta tree, the symbol of lasting friendship between SJTU and THU. In the afternoon, President Zhang Jie co-hosted a session discussion with President of Delft University of Technology, the topic of which is "Research on Cross-cutting Areas".


 During the visit in Beijing, President Zhang Jie held talks separately with presidents from University of Oxford, University of California, Berkeley, Yale University, Technische Universität Berlin, ParisTech, The University of Tokyo, WASEDA University, Tohoku University, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, and National Cheng Kung University. In-depth communication and consensus were made on next-phase cooperation in talent training, scientific research and running schools abroad. The SJTU visiting delegation also included personnel from SJTU Division of International Cooperation & Exchange.