
President Zhang Jie met with CEO of Det Norske Veritas (DNV)

April 28, 2012     

On April 28, 2012, CEO of Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Henrik Overgaard Madsen, led a delegation to visit SJTU upon invitation, accompanied by DNV Vice President Joerg Beiler, Deputy Regional Manager of DNV Maritime Greater China Huang Jin and Academy Manager of DNV Maritime Greater China Bu Ping. SJTU President Zhang Jie met with the visiting guests in Room A207, Administration Building on Minhang Campus.

President Zhang Jie welcomed the guests and briefed them on SJTU's history and development. CEO Henrik Overgaard Madsen exclaimed with wonder and expressed the wish to strengthen bilateral cooperation with SJTU.  

President Zhang Jie presented the Letter of Appointment as SJTU Visiting Professor to Henrik Overgaard Madsen. DNV and School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering (NAOCE), SJTU signed the framework agreement on scientific cooperation. After the signing ceremony, Henrik O. Madsen and Joerg Beiler handed out DNV scholarships to the recipients.

Henrik O. Madsen also made an academic report on the Road towards Sustainable Shipping Development. He described the challenges and visions of the sustainable shipping development and the importance of shipping to world economic development, the role it plays in environmental protection, its development and future trends since 1995, and the development of new technology, etc. Over one hundred faculty and students from NAOCE participated. Afterwards, the delegation also visited the Deepwater Offshore Basin.

DNV was established in 1864 and headquartered in Oslo, Norway. It is an authoritative, professional and independent non-profit fund and is one of the three major maritime classification societies in the world besides LR and American Bureau of Shipping. DNV has about 300 offices in 100 different countries with 8000 staff.