SJTU Signed Agreement on Joint Training of Doctors with ATN
April 16, 2014 Author: Guo Liang, Office of International Cooperation and Exchange
In the afternoon of Apr. 11, 2014, in Shanghai Vice President Huang Zhen, on behalf of SJTU, signed the agreement on the joint training of doctors with Peter Coaldrake, who is the President of Australian Technology Network and the President of Queensland University of Technology. Andrew Robb, who is the minister of Australia's Department of Trade and Investment and Bruce Billson, who is the minister of Australia's Department of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, also attended. The two ministers also witnessed the signing of ten agreements concerning the aspects of education, film and television, trade and so on. SJTU's agreement with ATN was the only one in the field of higher education.
Earlier in the day, Australian Prime Minister Abbott met with representatives of the Shanghai educational circles and commercial circles in the World Expo Center, and talked with Huang Zhen kindly.
Translated by Xu Pan Reviewed by Wang Bingyu