
The Leaders of SJTU Visited Our Alumni in Beijing

February 08, 2015      Author: Chen Fangxi


At the beginning of the New Year, Jiang Sixian, Chairperson of the University Council, Zhang Jie, the president of SJTU and Zhang Ansheng, the vice president of SJTU visited our outstanding alumni in Beijing, such as Wu Wenjun, Wang Xiji, Xu Guangx ian, Gu Songfen, Chen Jingxiong and so on. They, on behalf of all SJTU faculties and students, extended to our alumni their loftiest respect and best wishes for the coming New Spring Festival. Adhering to the college motto of SJTU, the alumni had made great contributions to the development of our country and society and set a good example to all SJTU people.


In the home of Wu, Wenjun, Jiang Sixian, on behalf of all SJTU faculties and students, extended to him his best wishes for the New Year. He recalled Professor Hu Dunfu, Qiu Weiyu and Wu Chonglin who are the most influential professors in his college life. Thanks to the teaching of them, he was interested in mathematics and devoted all his life to mathematical researches.


In the home of Wang Xiji, Wang said he was very glad for the achievements we have made over the past years and he hoped that he could have further cooperation with Alma Mater in researches. He always cares about Alma Mater's development in aerospace field.


In the home of Gu Songfen, Gu and President Zhang recalled the glorious achievement made by Qian Xuesen and Fan Xuji. As outstanding Alumni, they had devoted all their lives to our "Chinese Dream" in aerospace field.

In addition, Zhang Jie paid a special visit to Xu Guangxian who were in hospital and asked the details of his situation. On behalf of all faculties and students of SJTU, President Zhang expressed his concern for his health and wished him a soon recovery.


In the home of Chen Jingxiong, Chen, together with vice president Zhang Ansheng, recalled his college life in SJTU. He said that it was the valuable cultivation in SJTU that had laid a solid foundation for his work, which would be the precious wealth in his life.

Related chiefs and officials from Party Committee Office, President Office, Alumni Association, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, SJTU joined in this visiting.




Translated by Li Ying                     Reviewed by Wang Bingyu