
Governor of Michigan State Visits SJTU

November 16, 2016      Author: Zheng Mao

On November 12, Rick Snyder, Governor of Michigan, visited SJTU. Jiang Sixian, Deputy Chairman of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, Chairman of Shanghai JiaoTong University Council and Huang Zhen, SJTU Vice President met Snyder on Xuhui campus.


Jiang welcomed Goernnor Snyder and reviewed his visit to Michigan and their last meeting. He congratulated the distinguished achievements made by Michigan Institute, SJTU, which was jointly instituted by SJTU and Michigan University. He thought the collaboration between the two universities will greatly advanced the internationalization of Chinese higher education.


Snyder indicats that there are broad perspectives of cooperation in the field of smart cars of the two universities. Besides, the talents of engineering will play an important role in it. He hopes he could be a "cheer leader" to encourage the graduates of the two universities. He believes the communication of the two universities and alumni of Michigan Institute, SJTU will improve the friendship between the two.


During Governor Snyder's visit to China in 2014, Jiang Sixian and Snyder had a simple courtesy meeting. The Governor arranged this return visit in the hope of promoting the future development of Michigan Institute, SJTU and cooperation of SJTU and State of Michigan.


Tranaslated by Zheng Mengyan    Reviewed by Wang Bingyu