2021 New Media International Forum Affiliated with ICA Held at SJTU
October 22, 2021
On October 16, the 2021 New Media International Forum Affiliated with ICA kicked off at the Conference Center of Wenbo Building at SJTU. This forum was jointly hosted by the School of Media and Communication of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the International Communication Association (ICA).
This year’s forum, themed under “Emerging Media, Intelligent Communication and Human Well-Being”, attracted more than 1,500 experts, scholars and students from home and abroad through online and offline channels, including Mary Beth Oliver, president of ICA and professor of Pennsylvania State University; Noshir Contractor, president-designate of ICA and professor of Northwestern University; ANG Peng Hwa, former president of ICA and professor of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Patrice Marie Buzzanell, former president of IC and professor of University of South Florida. They generously shared views on the role and impact of intelligent communication technologies and their contribution to human well-being in the post-epidemic era.
The forum set Dean’s Forum, Journal Editor’s Forum, New Media Forum and another 10 panel sessions focusing on “Intelligent Communication and Social Life”, “Intelligent Communication and Health”, “Intelligent Communication and Individual Happiness”, “Intelligent Communication and Social Governance”, “Intelligent Communication and Cultural Construction”, “Media Performance and Communication Effects amid the Epidemic”, “Intelligent Communication Technology and Application”, “Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Transformation in the Post-epidemic Era”, “Journalism and Communication Education in the Post-epidemic Era”, “Global Communication and Human Destiny” and etc. The participants had in-depth discussions on topics of intelligent communication and social life, physical and mental health, cultural construction, and individual happiness. At the forum, 10 excellent papers were prized, with 6 from the faculty group and 4 from the student group.
Author:School of Media and Communication, SJTU
Source: School of Media and Communication, SJTU
Translated by Zhang Yue
Proofread by Xiao Yangning