- A Cooperation Agreement Signed by SJTU, Ghent University and Catholic university of Louvain 2015-06-29
- SJTU and GM China Jointly Launched Pilot Project of Electric Concept Car 2015-06-01
- SJTU President Zhang Jie Attends 2015 Innovative City Scientist Party 2015-05-28
- Experts of CTI Evaluated SJTU-ParisTech Elite Institute Technology 2015-05-28
- SJTU Celebrats 119th Anniversary 2015-04-19
- SJTU Delegation Witness the Launching Ceremony of Rhodes Scholarship in China 2015-04-07
- SJTU Professor Wang Ruzhu Awarded 2014 Shanghai "Model Worker of the Year" 2015-04-07
- Two Giants Joines Hands: SJTU and Caltech in SJTU Graduate Commencement Ceremony 2015 2015-03-22
- Tai Chong Cheang Group Signed to Fund SJTU Endowed Chair Professor Projects 2015-03-14
- Teachers and Students Staying at SJTU Celebrated the Chinese New Year of Goat 2015-03-01