- The Naming Ceremony of Cheng Jianmin Building Grandly Held 2014-07-11
- Y.Ron Shen Hired as SJTU President Special Advisor 2014-07-03
- SJTU 2014 Undergraduates Graduation Ceremony Grandly Held 2014-07-02
- SJTU and AVIC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co. Ltd Build Joint Innovation Center 2014-06-28
- Signing Ceremony Between SJTU and PLA Academy of Military Science Held 2014-06-12
- Professor He Li of University of Oxford Appointed as Chair Professor of SJTU 2014-05-27
- The 15th UM-SJTU Joint Institute Board Meeting Successful 2014-05-12
- “1000 Miles in 100 Days Running Challenge” Held in SJTU 2014-05-05
- SJTU Signed Agreement on Joint Training of Doctors with ATN 2014-04-28
- Bronze Statue of SJTU 11th President Tang Wenzhi Unveiled 2014-04-15