Prof. Fan XianQun

Fan Xianqun
Overseeing the Party Committee Work of the School of Medicin

Prof. Fan Xianqun is currently Deputy Secretary of the CPC of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Secretary of the CPC of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, and professor of Dept. of Ophthalmology, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital.
Prof. Fan was graduated from BengBu Medical College with a bachelor degree in Clinical Medicine in 1987. He has successively got his master degree and Ph.D from Shanghai Second Medical University in 1993 and 1998. Prof. Fan worked as the visiting scholar in Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary affiliated to Harvard University in 2001 and Mayo Clinic in 2005. He was awarded the Fellowship of Royal College of Ophthalmologists (UK) in 2015. Prof. Fan was awarded as both Chang Jiang Scholarship by Ministry of Education of China and expert with Outstanding Contributions by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China.
As Discipline leader of Dept. of Ophthalmology, Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, Dr. Fan has been devoting his efforts to investigating orbital diseases and ocular tumors. With his leadership, his team established the digital orbital surgery platform and Endo-navigation system for orbital surgery, and meanwhile the surgical results of orbital disease has been improved. Prof. Fan also made an important contribution to the investigation of functional orbital implant material. Dr. Fan was in charge of 12 national research grants, which includes National 863 project, projects of National Natural Science Foundation and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed SCI papers as the first author or corresponding author, among which was published on Cell Stem Cell, Genome Biology, Advanced Functional Materials and Ophthalmology. He has received successively 12 awards, including Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Awards, First Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Awards.Prof. Fan also serves as the Chairman of Shanghai Ophthalmological Society, Vice President of Shanghai Hospital Association, Standing Committee Member of Chinese Ophthalmological Society, Secretary-general of Chinese Ophthalmologist Association, Chairman of Chinese Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Orbital Disease,Director of Institute of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, past President of Asia-Pacific Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.
Dr. Fan has rich managerial experience of the Party building, medical education and hospital management. Prof. Fan has successively served as the Party Secretary and President of Ninth People’s Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, the Dean of Jiuyuan College of Clinical Medicine of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the President of third People’s Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. Prof. Fan was named as the Excellent Talent by the Ministry of Health of China, National Excellent Scientific and Technical Talent by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, the Shanghai Leading Talent by Shanghai Municipal Government.