Prof. Xu Xuemin

Xu Xuemin
Vice President for Education
Dean of Graduate School
Dean of Zhiyuan College
Director of Med-X Research Institute


Dr. Xu received her Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, in 1991. She was on the faculty of The City University of New York, and promoted to associate professor with tenure in 1996. She then moved to Purdue University in 1997 as an associate professor (with tenure) in Mechanical Engineering and a joint faculty in Biomedical Engineering. In 2003, Dr. Xu became the “Chang Jiang Scholar” Distinguished Professor in Biomedical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University Awarded by Chinese Ministry of Education, and received the “Outstanding Youth Award” by Chinese Natural Science Foundation (CNSF) in 2007. She was the recipient of Natural Science Award from Chinese Ministry of Education in 2010. Her research interests encompass bio-thermal physics, cancer thermal medicine and diagnosis, and has been supported by NIH and NSF in US, and Chinese NSF, 973 and 863 national center grants from Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. She has published more than 150 peer reviewed journal papers and conference proceedings, and four book chapters. She is an ASME Fellow, AIBME Fellow and a senior member of IEEE. She served as the technical program chair of the 2005 EMBC in Shanghai, China and AdCom Member of EMBS in 2011-2013. She is currently serving as the President of Shanghai Society of Biomedical Engineering and the Deputy Secretary for International Affairs of Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering.