Prof. Huang Zhen

Zhen Huang
Human Resources and International Affairs;
promotion of MOOCs

Zhen HUANG, male, born in August 1960, is Chair Professor and Vice President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). He is a member of the CPPCC. Prof. HUANG obtained his Bachelor Degree from the Mechanical Engineering Department of SJTU in 1982 and doctoral degree in 1988. He had been Deputy Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vice-Dean and Dean of the School of Power and Energy Engineering. He is now also Dean of the Energy Research Institute of SJTU, Director of Key Laboratory for Power Machinery and Engineering of Ministry of Education, and Director of International Energy Research Center.
Prof. HUANG’s research interest focus on engine combustion, alternative fuel for transportation, urban air pollution control, and energy policy and strategy. He has published more than two hundred and fifty papers and obtained thirty invention patents. Due to his contribution, he has received several important awards for his contributions, including the National Distinguished Young Scholar Award of the National Science Foundation of China, Cheung Kong Chair Professor of Ministry of Education and National Natural Science Award.
As Vice-President of SJTU, Prof. HUANG is responsible for human resources and international affairs, as well as promotion of MOOCs.